Zurich launches global risk services unit

NewsroomArticleFebruary 2, 2021

Innovative response to the changing global risk landscape and evolving customer needs.
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SCHAUMBURG, Ill., February 2, 2021 – Zurich North America today announced it has launched a new risk services unit in the United States, as part of a global initiative developed by Zurich Insurance Group to provide businesses worldwide with advisory services, solutions and tools to help them prevent and mitigate a wide range of risks. In the U.S., the new business unit, will include the risk engineering team and make services available to both current Zurich customers, as well as non-Zurich customers in the United States.

“The insurance industry is changing and so are customer expectations. They are seeking a risk management partner to help them manage emerging and evolving risks,” said Kristof Terryn, Chief Executive Officer of Zurich North America. “With the development of this new global risk services unit, we are making a major investment to expand Zurich’s ability to offer our customers the services, tools and data they need to build resilience in an uncertain world.”

The new business unit provides a suite of risk mitigation services, risk engineering assessments and insights on a variety of important risk topics. Over the past years, the Group has launched new services in areas such as cyber, supply chain management and climate resilience, and will continue to invest in expertise and external collaborations to provide customers with unique services and capabilities.

“Customers in the U.S. and around the globe want to expand their efforts to avoid risk rather than simply transferring it through insurance,” said Tom Fioretti, Chief Risk Engineering Officer and newly appointed head of the services unit in Zurich North America. “As a truly customer-led organization, we continue to increase our risk mitigation and risk recovery products and services for and with our customers and distributors.”

Risk engineering solutions help businesses build resilience to today’s and tomorrow’s evolving, interconnected risk landscape by helping them identify exposures, reduce potential losses, improve safety, build resilience and effectively manage loss control programs. Every year the Group’s approximately 750 risk engineers in over 40 countries around the globe conduct more than 60,000 risk assessments tailored to the unique challenges facing its customers.

For more information about Zurich’s expanding range of risk engineering services, contact: risk.engineering@zurichna.com.

About Zurich

Media contact:
Robyn Ziegler
Zurich North America