Michael Widdekind

Michael Widdekind

Technical Director, Property

Zurich North America

Skills and experience

Michael D. Widdekind has more than 25 years of experience in the loss control profession. As Technical Director — Property at Zurich, he focuses on helping hospitals and healthcare facilities protect themselves from internal floods and natural disasters. Mike’s experience includes fire protection and building submittal plan review, as well as fire protection codes, systems functions, testing, inspection maintenance and design.

External appointments

Mike has been involved in extreme weather event projects at the National Academy of Medicine and the American Meteorological Society. He is currently a member of the Community Resilience Panel for buildings and infrastructure systems at National Institute of Standards and Technology. He also serves as a technical committee member on the National Fire Protection Association's Building Code/Safety to Life Health Care Occupancies section, and on two of the NFPA's committees dedicated to health care facilities.

Educational background

Mike holds a Bachelor of Science in Fire Protection Engineering from the University of Maryland.